Friday, 1 March 2013

And I'm Off

Yes it all kicked off yesterday afternoon. The community website was opened up and we all poured in to add our project challenges and commit to seeing them through. I'm supposed to spend at least 20 minutes a day on it but it's taking me a lot longer to just create a small part.

Anyway, I'll share, as promised, my progress for today. I've began by creating an InDesign Document in which to place finished paper designs. And initially, I'm also using it as a guide to show many of each prominent colour to produce.

However, the main play for today was in creating textures. Something which should be very easy to do.  I can happily create plenty of textures, knocking them out in minutes, so I didn't forsee any problems. However, when I laid the two different textures over the same colour, one came out a very different colour to the other. It took quite some fiddling in Photoshop to fine tune both textures so that they kept the same tones.

Hopefully, I've sorted it but judge for yourselves...

They are both quite subtle. They are going to just gently add something to the background before I add the rest of the design. If I want a more dynamic texture, I can add this over the top. But at least I have something to show today.

And just one final thing. I made a cool brush from a vintage image in a book page. So I've added it here to show how it might look.

Right that's all for today. I'm going to be busy tomorrow so I may use it as my one day off. But we'll see.


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